join membership
Ready to join our mhe homeschooling group? follow these steps:
This information is a request for a general membership to Metro Home Educators (MHE). Membership fee is $15.00 annually, and offers access to our secured MHE member communications that provides current co-op info, field trips, family events, encouragement, connection with all membered families. You must be a MHE member to participate in Monday class activities. You are not required to participate in Monday classes if you are an MHE member.
Please follow the steps below.
If for any reason your family feels you cannot honestly sign this statement, the MHE Board would ask that you do not request membership. We understand that not all people will agree with this statement, but MHE chooses to hold firmly to these beliefs.
Step 1:
Read the Statement of Faith HERE
Step 2:
Read MHE Handbook
If you align with and will adhere to the Statement of Faith, read the MHE Member Handbook HERE.
Further Steps:
If you agree to both the Statement of Faith and MHE Handbook, please fill out the form below on this page to request for membership.
We will then contact you via email for the $15 Membership fee.
If you are planning on attending co-op classes, it is required to have a background check completed, per the request of our building location.
Once those are complete, we will send you a link to our communications app!
If you want to join co-op and if registration is available, we'll discuss that with you and send a registration form.